Jack Rudolph

Jack Rudolph

Steven Weber as Jack Rudolph
NBC Photo: Art Streiber

Jack Rudolph — played by Steven Weber

What we know about Jack so far:
  • Chairman of NBS, he is Jordan’s boss.
  • He works for Wilson White and the Board of Directors.
  • He is rich.
  • Married. (When Jordan explains that she went to sex clubs with her ex, “I was twenty-five. I married a slug” Jack responds, “So did my wife, but I don’t make her go to Plato’s Retreat.” - this exchange also shows he has some familiarity with sex clubs since he easily names one.)
  • When asked what word the FCC objected to being used on a live news broadcast from a war zone, he tells Jordan, “A word I don’t use with women.”
  • Wilson White has always seen him in a necktie until the night of the Studio 60 Christmas Show.
What he says about himself
Additional Information from other sources:
The Wikipedia article on Jack says his wife’s name is “Marylyn” and that in Nevada Day, he said he was a lawyer.
Jack Rudolph

Steven Weber as Jack Rudolph
NBC Photo: Art Streiber

The Characters: Matt ||| Danny ||| Jordan ||| Harriet ||| Tom ||| Simon ||| Jack ||| Cal